Monday 10 August 2015

Chinese foods!🎈

Hi everyone I'm Greta 🙈 today I will talk about Chinese foods! If I have any mistake,please forgive me and tall me! Thank u! 

I come from China and there are many delicious foods in the China whether south or north.In this blog I will use my hometown food for example through some pictures to illustrate!

My favorite food is spicy food! This food name is 'spicy small lobster'. I think this is very popular in my hometown.In my hometown,people usually eating spicy small lobster and drinking beer with friends, maybe they go to the restaurant to eat or stay at home to eating! Yeah! It is very very good!!!😘

In my hometown,people like to eat together above two foods.The first picture name is 'teppanyaki'.Use bamboo stick together and then using the meat sizzling roast last used various spices and spring onion. The second food is 'red bean paste'.When people eat teppanyaki can eat this solution greasy, also eat this can make the body warm in winter.I usually eat those! 😘

These pictures are about noodles that I think is very good! The first is 'chongqing small noodles'. Because it is invented by chongqing people that soup modulation is not the same other noodles. This food has been "on the tip of the tongue of China"reported.This is famous in China! The second noodles is 'Sichuan Dan Dan   noodles'. The same is also the Sichuan people invented so that name. Then is 'beef noodles' 'chicken shredded noodles' and 'fried noodles'. Three kinds of noodles are very delicious and my favorite is chicken shredded noodles.Because of the chicken shredded noodles is people use hand to do it the noodles is very texture! 

This food name is 'roast fish'.To the surface of the fish baked crispy and then put the fish in potato chips tofu mushrooms vegetables and chill container.😘
Today the last food is 'the small steamed bun'. People like eat this food when they eat breakfast. My father favorite food is this one. There are a lot of liquid flow when the first bite into his mouth. Must eat the food in hot to eat! 😘

All in all, I have a lot of food want to eat! Today I talk about a litter food about Chinese foods. One of my hobby is eating delicious foods! Maybe next time I can talk about I think Australian delicious food! In my mind, can eat delicious food is a happy thing! And I think if u feel unhappy or have some not good moods, u can go to eating good foods to change u mood! It is very useful!

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